NCES.K.IN.1 - Understand the difference between text read for enjoyment and text read for information.
NCES.K.RP.1 - Understand the importance of good questions in conducting research.
NCES.K.SE.1 - Remember safety and ethical issues related to the responsible use of information and technology resources.
NCES.K.SI.1 - Classify useful sources of information.
NCES.K.TT.1 - Use technology tools and skills to reinforce classroom concepts and activities.
NCES.1.IN.1 - Understand the difference between text read for enjoyment and text read for information.
NCES.1.RP.1 - Remember the steps of a simple (or simplified) research process.
NCES.1.SE.1 - Understand safety and ethical issues related to the responsible use of information and technology resources.
NCES.1.SI.1 - Recall useful sources of information.
NCES.1.TT.1 - Use technology tools and skills to reinforce classroom concepts and activities.
NCES.2.IN.1 - Understand appropriate procedures when reading for enjoyment and information.
NCES.2.RP.1 - Apply the research process by participating in whole-class research.
NCES.2.SE.1 - Understand issues related to the safe, ethical, and responsible use of information and technology resources.
NCES.2.SI.1 - Categorize sources of information as appropriate or inappropriate.
NCES.2.TT.1 - Use technology tools and skills to reinforce classroom concepts and activities.
NCES.3.IN.1 - Apply strategies that are appropriate when reading for enjoyment and for information.
NCES.3.RP.1 - Apply a research process as part of collaborative research.
NCES.3.SE.1 - Understand issues related to the safe, ethical, and responsible use of information and technology resources.
NCES.3.SI.1 - Categorize sources of information for specific purposes.
NCES.3.TT.1 - Use technology tools and skills to reinforce classroom concepts and activities.
NCES.4.IN.1 - Apply appropriate strategies when reading for enjoyment and for information.
NCES.4.RP.1 - Apply a research process as part of collaborative research.
NCES.4.SE.1 - Understand issues related to the safe, ethical, and responsible use of information and technology resources.
NCES.4.SI.1 - Apply criteria to determine appropriate information resources for specific topics and purposes.
NCES.4.TT.1 - Use technology tools and skills to reinforce classroom concepts and activities.
NCES.5.IN.1 - Analyze appropriate strategies when reading for enjoyment and for information.
NCES.5.RP.1 - Apply a research process as part of collaborative research.
NCES.5.SE.1 - Understand issues related to the safe, ethical, and responsible use of information and technology resources.
NCES.5.SI.1 - Apply criteria to determine appropriate information resources for specific topics and purposes.
NCES.5.TT.1 - Use technology tools and skills to reinforce and extend classroom concepts and activities.
NCES.6.RP.1 - Apply a research process for collaborative or individual research.
NCES.6.SE.1 - Apply responsible behaviors when using information and technology resources.
NCES.6.SI.1 - Analyze resources to determine their reliability, point of view, bias, and relevance for particular topics and purposes.
NCES.6.TT.1 - Use technology and other resources for the purpose of accessing, organizing, and sharing information.
NCES.7.RP.1 - Apply a research process to complete given tasks.
NCES.7.SE.1 - Apply responsible behaviors when using information and technology resources.
NCES.7.SI.1 - Evaluate information resources based on specified criteria.
NCES.7.TT.1 - Use technology and other resources for assigned tasks.
NCES.8.RP.1 - Apply a research process to complete project-based activities.
NCES.8.SE.1 - Analyze responsible behaviors when using information and technology resources.
NCES.8.SI.1 - Evaluate information resources based on specified criteria.
NCES.8.TT.1 - Use technology and other resources for assigned tasks.
NCES.HS.RP.1 - Design project-based products that address global problems.
NCES.HS.SE.1 - Analyze issues and practices of responsible behavior when using resources.
NCES.HS.SI.1 - Evaluate resources needed to solve a given problem.
NCES.HS.TT.1 - Use technology and other resources for assigned tasks.